Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thoughts and frustrations...true ramblings and run-ons

I have come to realize recently that there is a HUGE difference from attending church and being involved in church. Many people today want a church where the music is modern and the preaching is deep and impacting. I see this as a good thing. Where things start to bother me is that I feel many times people attend these churches to feel better about themselves. They can tell their friends and coworkers that their church is feeding the needy or their church is doing this or doing that in the city/neighborhood but what are THEY doing as attenders of the church? Church was never designed to be a get together or party or a place where people sit, sing, and listen and not act. Church was meant for people to learn and to teach others how to become more like Christ. Please tell me once where Christ said "look at all these things that my followers are doing? Isn't it wonderful?" Nope, instead he taught others how to serve, to spend every waking moment praising God and serving others. If you are going to church to feel good about yourself you're doing it wrong.
Remember high school?  Remember saying why do I need to learn this I will never use this... well guess what you do need it and you will use it. Have you ever sat in church and said why am I learning this I won't use this? Probably not. Why? because that would make us look bad and make us look like we are not living a life worthy of being called a christian. Well we may never outwardly say that but in reality it gets said all the time! I am guilty of it and so are you. When was the last time you volunteered to serve on a ministry team to feed the homeless, participate in a prayer walk, or even just walk the streets and talk to strangers at the bus stop about God? I bet it wasn't recently. Sure when the church makes announcements about needing volunteers at the soup kitchen you may help out every once and a while, but why are we waiting to be asked nay begged to help? This should be automatic. If the church today was truly acting as a group of "little Christs" then we should never have to ask for volunteers. People would be banging down the doors trying to help. Why isn't this way? Status. People today don't want to get "dirty" talking or working with people "less than they are" because of what other people may think. It makes me sick to think about this because I have found myself to be this way at times but also because majority of people in church today are this way. Thinking about all of this makes me wonder what God really thinks of the church today as a whole. Is He pleased with our overall performance? I don't know... probably more to come at a later date on this subject but I am rambling on and not being very grammatically correct now and its bothering me so I will end.

1 comment:

  1. Another good one! I missed this one! Love what God is doing in you. Keep pursuing Him in obedience.
